
Listen to Svalbard’s playlist curated for this week’s Cover Story

The sound of Svalbard: 15 tracks hand-picked by the band to showcase the music they’re influenced by and love the most.

Listen to Svalbard’s playlist curated for this week’s Cover Story
Kerrang! staff
Jenn Five

To go alongside this week's Kerrang! Cover Story, Svalbard have curated a special 15-song playlist to showcase their influences, what they're listening to right now, and just some of their favourite artists.

"A playlist curated by all four members of Svalbard is, upon first glance, a casserole of many widely varying ingredients. But I assure you the taste is impeccable," says vocalist Serena Cherry.

"From prog to power metal to black metal to death metal, we sure listen to a lot of different stuff. This certainly makes for some unpredictable times on the van stereo, but we wouldn't have it any other way. There's so many exciting flavours of metal to explore, here is a whistle-stop tour of what's been captivating us lately."

Take a listen to the playlist below, featuring Nightwish, Harakiri For The Sky, Wormrot and Pest Control.

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