
Lordi team up with PETA to condemn animal testing: “Animals’ lives are worth more than a lipstick or a bottle of shampoo”

Exclusive: Lordi and PETA are calling on fans to sign a European Citizens’ Initiative to save cruelty-free cosmetics…

Lordi team up with PETA to condemn animal testing: “Animals’ lives are worth more than a lipstick or a bottle of shampoo”
Emily Carter

Following Davey Havok's recent campaign with PETA to bring awareness to animal testing and speciesism, now Lordi have joined forces with the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals to condemn horrifying animal testing.

The new campaign denounces practices used by cosmetics companies in which animals are 'drugged, poisoned or burned' in experiments testing various ingredients, as well as calling on the EU to end it all.

"The EU ban prohibiting cosmetics testing on animals is under threat because the Helsinki-based European Chemicals Agency is demanding that thousands of animals be subjected to cruel tests," say Lordi in a statement. "This goes against everything the ban stands for, and it’s up to each one of us to save this important piece of legislation.

"Animals’ lives are worth more than a lipstick or a bottle of shampoo – only real monsters think otherwise. So, if you’re an EU citizen, join us in signing this European Citizens’ Initiative."

Head on over to this link to sign and show your support.