
Maynard On Camera Ban: “Unplug and enjoy the ride.”

It doesn't look like Maynard is going to bow to public pressure on the issue on this!

Maynard On Camera Ban: “Unplug and enjoy the ride.”

Such is the nature of the internet, people are arguing on the internet about A Perfect Circle's "no photos" policy on their current tour, which was highlighted in the media when 60 people got thrown out of their show in Reading, PA this past weekend.

Maynard James Keenan has had this policy in place throughout his career: it's the same with Tool and Puscifer shows and has been since forever, but back in the 90s - pre-cell phone camera - people probably didn't feel it as much. 

However, it doesn't look like Maynard is going to bow to public pressure on the issue. Yesterday, when a fan left a comment on one of Maynard’s Instagram posts defending her wish to take photos at shows, he responded thus:

“No. Recording. Of. Any. Kind. For. 25. Years. Guided experience. Unplug and and enjoy the ride.”

Like we said on Monday, a ban is a maybe a bit much, but we agree with the overall sentiment here.

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