
Mimi Barks announces long-awaited debut album THIS IS DOOM TRAP

Fancy going on a “sonic journey” through Mimi Barks’ “pain-body and a guide on how to deal with it”? THIS IS DOOM TRAP will take you there…

Mimi Barks announces long-awaited debut album THIS IS DOOM TRAP
Emily Carter
Jack Defroand

Following a series of attention-grabbing EPs, at long last Mimi Barks has announced a proper full-length debut.

Entitled THIS IS DOOM TRAP, the record will arrive on September 26 via Silent Cult, and is teased in typically intriguing fashion by Mimi…

“The Awakening or the pain-body?” she asks. “THIS IS DOOM TRAP. Welcome to a sonic journey through my pain-body and a guide on how to deal with it. The only way out is through. But everything is rhythm and you’ll find yourself where you began eventually, on a slightly higher plane with new but similar challenges.”

You can get a taste of THIS IS DOOM TRAP with new single FSU (which, brilliantly, stands for Fuck Shit Up) below. Mimi says of the track: “Things must end for a new door to open and the wrong door will close for the right path to be revealed.

“It’s funny how I wrote this track inspired by me constantly fucking up relationships with people I engage or work with. As a butterfly can cause a storm by flapping its wings several weeks earlier, with my wings… much more like those of a Pterosaurs. Makes me wonder if I’m the mad person or if I’m just following the path that’s been laid out for me, playing my part in this chaos theory.”

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