
My Dying Bride post honest statement about unresolved “fractures within the band”

Only a few days on from the release of their new album A Mortal Binding, My Dying Bride have revealed that there is currently a “profound sense of discontent among the band members”.

My Dying Bride post honest statement about unresolved “fractures within the band”
Emily Carter
Matt Wells

My Dying Bride have shared an honest statement about their current situation, revealing that there are unresolved “internal issues” within the band.

Only a few days on from the release of their new album A Mortal Binding, the doom icons have taken to social media to explain that there are “fractures” in the group, and that they are going through “challenging times” right now. The band admit that they had hoped to perform some gigs in 2024, but seemingly won’t be doing so while these issues remain as they are.

Read My Dying Bride’s full statement below:

“The production of this latest album was arduous and challenging to such an extent that it has revealed fractures within the band. These tensions had already been observed during the creation of the previous two albums and were only exacerbated during the COVID period. Over the past few months, they have intensified, causing a profound sense of discontent among the band members. The resulting stress and the pervasive feeling of burnout, along with the physical and mental malaise it creates, necessitated a period of time off which unfortunately impacts on live shows.

“The reason for the lack of an official statement until now is because the band has truly hoped to resolve these internal issues and perform some shows this year while trying find a resolution in time to satisfy all parties involved. Sadly, this resolution is yet to be found.

“Regrettably, a lack of understanding and poor communication from our professional partners has resulted in an untimely and chaotic mess from which a recovery is challenging. However, the promoters have now been officially contacted and it is hoped that steps can be taken to minimise the impact on you all.

“We apologise for keeping you in the dark, but these are indeed challenging times.”

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