
Check Out The New Video From Tigers Jaw!

A meditation on our reliance on technology from Scranton, Pennsylvania's favourite sons.

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Pennsylvania's Tigers Jaw dropped some science on us this morning. A fresh video for their track Escape Plan, which is taken from their upcoming record, spin (lower case intentional!). 

Singer/guitarist Ben Walsh was kind enough to fill us in on what the song and video are all about:

"Escape Plan is a song about feeling stuck in your old ways, and trying to find the courage to make changes to your life. Earlier this year, when Josh Coll (director) and I were first talking about video concept ideas, I had to cancel a few calls because my grandfather passed away. That got him thinking about conversations he had with his grandfather before he passed. He remembered talking about technology and how our generation relies on it so much. 

The video focuses on the juxtaposition between these beautiful cinematic "real life" scenes and the stark, sterile, inferior virtual reality that the characters seem to want to escape to. Hopefully it's a reminder that the real world is beautiful and we should look up from our phones more often."

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