
Now Hear This: Sophie K on the best new punk, metalcore and emo you need to hear now

Kerrang! Radio host Sophie K on the new bands you need to hear now, including Sleep Waker, Witch Fever and Cleveland Avenue…

Now Hear This: Sophie K on the best new punk, metalcore and emo you need to hear now
Sophie K

Do we honestly still care about a Kardashian wearing a Cannibal Corpse T-shirt? I mean, don't get me wrong, if my friend did it I would totally give them hell, but in all honesty I really don't care. The question is, if we are all 'fashionable' right now does that mean we are no longer rebelling, we are conforming? Download Festival is now one big fashion show? Somehow I don't think this is anything more than a bit of cosplaying at being alternative. If Cannibal Corpse get a cut of merch then bring it on!

Anyway let's talk music. Here's the new stuff I've been checking out this month...

Cleveland Avenue

I have seen this band mentioned in quite a few places, and hopefully that’s a sign of what the future holds for them. Cleveland Avenue are delivering that 2014 Tumblr pop-punk with authenticity. Hailing from Chicago, this band are very open about their old school influences like New Found Glory and blink-182, and their latest EP The Things Better Left Unsaid is definitely worth a listen. They experiment with different corners of the genre, putting their own spin on things. I get the feeling that for these guys it was never, and never will be, just a phase mom.

Witch Fever

There is a resurgence of punk which sickens me to the core. When I see public schoolboys cashing in on a genre and playing all the right chords except the pure rage and then getting all the opportunities because... well, public schoolboys, it boils my blood. That's why Witch Fever must be supported and protected at all costs. I can’t speak on them as individuals, but I can say these women are not playing at being in a band; they are here to tear you a fucking new one. It's dirty, it's rebellious, and it feels like you can imagine the live show. Although I get the feeling that they sound like kittens on record compared with the live show they put on.

As Time Fades

Time to head to Cleveland now and talk about As Time Fades' second EP Trust Fall – pop-punk at its finest. It's early days for these guys, but they have all the ingredients to be a huge success. It cracks me up that these guys were reviewed as showing “elder emo influence” on their new track – that term sucks! It makes people sound like wizards. This is the kind of band where I would love to see a guest vocal from Derek DiScanio or Ben Barlow. I love the vocal falsetto on their recent track Invisible, which adds a lot of depth, and it also features Elbow Room which works as a great combo. They definitely know how to write radio-friendly bops, that’s for sure.

As Sirens Fall

This reminds me of the kind of thing I might have listened to on MySpace and spent all day writing down the lyrics while simultaneously denying that I was emo. The single Dynamite feels like the band are fighting for their dinner. Its like they dug deep and came forth swinging. It's anthemic, catchy, and has enough rage to really appeal to that deep core of emo fans. Long may it continue.

Sleep Waker

These guys couldn’t be on a better label than UNFD. In a time where metalcore is becoming repetitive, a band like this really stands out. I saw so many people tweeting about their new album Alias back in June, but took my sweet time in checking them out. I wasn’t disappointed when I finally dug in. It's metalcore, but at times proggy and ethereal. The track Distance is emotional and raw, with moments that sound almost like Sam Carter is on vocals for Northlane, in the best possible way. It's fresh, and I feel like the future is bright for these guys.

Listen to Sophie K host the Breakfast Show on Kerrang! Radio, weekday mornings from 7am.

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