
Placebo Have Raised £27,500 For The CALM Charity

This is brilliant.

Placebo Have Raised £27,500 For The CALM Charity

Placebo have raised an amazing £27,500 for the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) – a charity dedicated to preventing male suicide.

The alt.rock duo auctioned off over 300 items of memorabilia from their illustrious past, including 'a guitar split in two, our first ever 7” release, designer suits from France, signed white labels, a ’90s toy piano, promotional video clothes, hand sewn underwater costumes and worn down stage shoes…'

"When we began thinking about auctioning off our Placebo memorabilia, we knew that the proceeds had to go towards something that was close to our hearts," Stefan says. "Now that the auction is over, we are pleased to say it raised made more than we expected, and we want to present to CALM £27,500. Brian and I can but commend you on your mission, and we humbly hope the proceeds can go to help you carry on your excellent work. Long may it continue!"

Simon Gunning, the CEO of CALM, adds: “Placebo are an iconic and forward-thinking band, and it’s with huge thanks that we receive this donation. We're absolutely bowled over by the continued support of the band in raising crucial funds and awareness of the fact that suicide is the biggest killer of men under 45 in the UK. There were some incredible items up for sale that we hope will have found loving new homes and, as an organisation that has always worked closely with the music community, we're honoured that Placebo chose CALM as one beneficiaries of the auction.”

Check out the band's auction over at, and for more info on all the amazing work CALM do, head on over to

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