
Pool Kids release split EP with their hardcore alter-egos

Pool Kids have teamed up with, uh, Pool Kids for a new six-song EP…

Pool Kids release split EP with their hardcore alter-egos
Emily Carter
Per Schorn

Pool Kids have unleashed a new split EP with… themselves.

Well, more specifically, they’ve teamed up with their hardcore alter-egos POOL, sharing six songs in total – three from each project. For the Pool Kids side of things there’s B-side No Stranger and new versions of Talk To Much and Arm’s Length. And then for POOL’s part, there’s three all-new tracks: Cleansing, Inside A Wall and Death Sentence.

“We are so much happier with the result than we thought we would be,” they say. “It was incredibly reassuring to see what this band could create under such a time crunch and with far less planning than we are used to. We really ended up with something that we are proud of, back to front.”

Listen to Pool Kids // POOL below:

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