Has this period of quiet given you time to think about where to take Poppy next, not just musically, but conceptually?
“Absolutely. There are many projects that I have my hands in right now. It definitely wasn’t downtime for me in the slightest, but it helped me get a perspective on where I wanted to go, how I wanted to get there, and the speed at which I wanted to get there. My desire to reach people has changed for the better. I’m able to look within myself and really push forward with these experiences and build a closer relationship with whoever is on the other end consuming the media that I create. What I’ve experienced in the past is a story worth telling, and I think during this time I’ve been able to come to terms with that. I didn’t think it was that important, but I feel like I’ve braved about 500 storms and the stories that go with those are quite interesting, and I’m willing to talk about them in the form of the art now.”
What have you learned about yourself this year?
“Solitude is important. Silence and being alone is important. Learning new things every day and reading lots of books – that’s important. Always push yourself to try new things. Love your family and friends. I think that’s all very valid and important and hopefully people have experienced something similar throughout all this.”
Speaking of solitude, do you consider yourself a social person? Have you been missing that human interaction?
“Definitely not. I found being locked down quite easy. The only people that I really communicated with during this time are my fiancé, my manager and my producer. I feel like that’s the core – other than family, of course. I don’t go out places, so that wasn’t difficult for me.”
Throughout the pandemic we’ve seen bands splitting up and struggling. What has kept you going throughout all of this?
“The same thing that’s always kept me going – the desire to want to do this forever. The story needs to continue to be told, through thick and thin, and in whatever form. There’s nothing that’ll stop me or it, and as long as people listen, I’ll keep making stuff. And honestly, if people didn’t listen, I’d still make stuff anyway (laughs).”