
Punks Unite To Support Campaign Against The Use Of Sweatshop T-Shirts

Punks Against Sweatshops film will be released on May 2.

Punks Unite To Support Campaign Against The Use Of Sweatshop T-Shirts

Members of the punk community have lent their support to a new campaign against the use of sweatshop T-shirts.

Punks Against Sweatshops – a film by the London-based collective Punk Ethics, and the anti-sweatshop campaign No Sweat – includes interviews with Jello Biafra, Crass members Penny Rimbaud and Steve Ignorant, Propagandhi, Petrol Girls' Ren Aldridge, Burmese punk-activists The Rebel Riot and Alex Wonk of London DIY punks Wonk Unit, who call on other punk bands to consider the human cost of their cheaply-sourced merchandise.

“Sweatshops are often hard to avoid, even for the so-called ethical brands, but it is important to make an effort to publicly stand up to the companies that routinely exploit workers for cheap clothes and start to look elsewhere for alternatives,” says No Sweat campaigner Jay Kerr. “Punk Ethics are encouraging punks to lead the way for other musical genres to follow, and make sure that anything that has your name printed on it, isn’t made in a sweatshop.”