
Robert Fripp and Toyah Willcox cover Breaking The Law – "with a rare singing part from Robert"

Watch King Crimson's Robert Fripp cover Judas Priest's Breaking The Law alongside a police officer costume-wearing Toyah Willcox.

Robert Fripp and Toyah Willcox cover Breaking The Law – "with a rare singing part from Robert"
Emily Carter

Robert Fripp of King Crimson and his wife Toyah Willcox are carrying on with a very heavy metal theme in their current run of Sunday Lunch lockdown covers: after recently tackling Motörhead’s Ace Of Spades and Iron Maiden's The Number Of The Beast, the couple have now unveiled a rendition of Judas Priest's Breaking The Law.

As always they dressed up for the occasion, Robert looking typically smart and Toyah embracing the theme with a police officer's uniform, badge, handcuffs and truncheon – perfect for tapping her husband on the head as he belted out a "rare singing part" for the chorus. The duo were also joined by "mysterious" guitarist Sidney Jake, who Toyah pointed to after the cover and questioned, "Who is he?!" Hmmm…

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Reflecting on Priest's "positive and undefeatable attitude", Rob Halford told Kerrang!: "We’ve sung about a lot of things in Priest, whether it’s Painkiller or The Sentinel, and it’s always the same: evil is always defeated. It’s an important quality in Priest.

"We’re a band who can be breaking the law, but we know why we’re breaking the law – we’re sick of being lied to by politicians and the man, and then You’ve Got Another Thing Coming – 'If you think I’ll sit around as the world goes by / You’re thinkin’ like a fool 'cause it’s a case of do or die.’ That’s the heavy metal spirit, isn’t it? I love all kinds of metal.

"Priest are a band that have always been trying to push things forward in a positive way. We talk about death, doom and destruction – but it always gets beaten. It’s like Rocky or The Avengers movies. We always come out stronger on the other side after going through those battles. And when you leave a Priest show – or any heavy metal show – you feel exhilarated and good inside. It’s a really uplifting and positive experience.”

Check out Robert Fripp and Toyah Willcox covering Breaking The Law below:

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