
Scene Queen announces debut EP, Bimbocore

Scene Queen’s debut EP Bimbocore – a “hyper feminine and over the top” release – is due out later this month via Hopeless Records…

Scene Queen announces debut EP, Bimbocore
Emily Carter

Following the release of Pink Rover in March, Scene Queen has announced details of her debut EP, Bimbocore.

The TikTok star – real name Hannah Collins – says of the record: "Before writing Bimbocore I felt like if I wasn’t exactly the way the rock industry wanted me to be I would never make it. It’s through this project that I’ve been able to pull myself out of that space and be unapologetically myself. I wrote this EP to be hyper feminine and over the top because women have spent far too long making themselves small for other people's comfort. I realised that the louder I am and the more out of the box I get, the bigger the box gets, and the more room there is for other women to get inside it."

Bimbocore is due out on April 29 via Hopeless.

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