
SECT, Featuring Andy Hurley Of Fall Out Boy, Debut New Song

Absolutely brutal and crushing NAILS-ish vegan straight edge hardcore.

SECT, Featuring Andy Hurley Of Fall Out Boy, Debut New Song

SECT is made up of an international cast of scene veterans who cut their teeth in 90s hardcore, a time when hardcore was all about political, sonic and antagonistic extremes. Uniting vocalist Chris Colohan (Cursed, Burning Love, Left For Dead), guitarists James Chang (Catharsis, Undying) and Scott Crouse (Earth Crisis, The Path Of Resistance), bassist Steve Hart (Day Of Suffering), and drummer Andy Hurley (Racetraitor, Fall Out Boy, The Damned Things). The result of these guys getting together is some brutal, oppressive hardcore fed by a bottomless well of socio-political vitriol. Think NAILS meets Earth Crisis and you're on the right path.

SECT cut the shit and go for the throat, "because the Orwellian police states and irreparable social and ecological disasters we once saw off on the horizon are now on our front doorsteps, in full swing. And in just such a volatile, precarious moment as this for civilization, there is more reason than ever to keep lashing out at a world more suicidally bent on its own destruction and the exploitation of people, species and the ecosystem itself, than perhaps ever before in history."

For SECT, this is the purpose of hardcore as they know it: conveying an urgency that transcends age, credentials or scene politics, to convert desperation into real talk and action. Good stuff. Enjoy:

Below is a behind-the-scenes video of SECT in the studio, too. OMG, is that Kurt Ballou on the buttons???

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