
Slipknot's The Devil In I Covered By A Nine Year Old At A School Talent Show

Happy Friday everyone!

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Fridays are often slow for The news doesn't flow as thick and fast as it does the rest of the week for some reason, and we've all got one eye on the beers in the office fridge from an earlier time in the day than is perhaps healthy.

It's at times like these we turn to our friends at Metal Injection, who have a knack for finding the finest funny or adorable metal-related videos on YouTube. A few days ago they shared this video of a nine-year-old doing a vocal cover of Slipknot's The Devil In I, and we, in turn, are sharing it with you here today. Enjoy:

Sure, the kid is giving it his all and that's great, but isn't the patient and understanding music teacher nodding along supportively behind him the most adorable part of all this?

Here's the original for comparison's sake:

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