
SNAYX’s track-by-track guide to new EP, Better Days

From questioning the nine-to-five rat-race to dealing with the pressure of social expectations, SNAYX unpack all that goes on within Better Days…

SNAYX’s track-by-track guide to new EP, Better Days
Bridie Cummings

It’s here! We already tipped brilliant Brighton punks SNAYX to have a massive 2024, and they’re proving exactly why with a new four-track EP. Here, the band reveal everything that went into Better Days, both musically and lyrically.

1Better Days

“This track was actually quite experimental for us in trying to evolve our sound to accommodate some more melodic themes, yet still retain the aggression and punch we’re known for. In production, we decided to push for a more atmospheric first chorus. We quite liked the idea of having some Gangsta’s Paradise choir-style backing vocals to create depth and space.

“Better Days is about becoming disconnected with life’s routine and monotony. ‘Everyday is like a movie, I know every scene…’ It’s about realising the only way to move forward and break free from the cycle is to change your perspective and remove the negative people from your life. ‘I cut you out, cut you out…’”


2Sink Or Swim

“This one is our no-holds-barred, electro/punk anthem. It’s unapologetic in the searing, crushed bass tone and in-your-face vocals. It’s a really exciting song for us and we loved working in some more electronic elements to our sound. The vocals for the chorus actually weren’t fully finished until we got into the studio to record. I knew however, that I wanted to do a Keith Flint style vocal where it would come in on the ‘1’ and be brash. It wasn’t until I was in the vocal booth that I finally settled on the playful yet punchy melody that featured in the release.

“The song is about being pushed into a box by social expectations. You’re constantly being measured and made to compete with everyone else. ‘Can you break the mould, can you fight with your hands, can you work like a dog, can you kill on command?’ The chorus focuses on the rejection of that, knowing you’ll never be good enough by the standards of others, so best to be content in being yourself and know that other people’s opinions don’t really matter at all.”


“King is another exciting track in the sense that it’s the first time we’ve tried a slower tempo song – but don’t be fooled by that statement, it still heaves with attitude and swagger. We pulled a lot of influence here from Gorillaz and wanted to explore a more synth leading sound. In pre-production with producer Jamie Hall [Tigercub], we showed him the bass and vocal melody and we were all quite excited by it. Later that night Jamie sent back a demo arranging the vocal melody as a synth part and we absolutely loved it. It has that punky nostalgic vibe and showcases us in a slightly different light to what people have experienced from us previously. So far playing it live, it’s already getting a lot of positive responses.

“Lyrically it’s a song about failing to live up to your personal expectations. When anxious and disillusioned, you start searching for coping mechanisms and you start to spiral and let your loved ones down. Not being able to live up to the standards that you usually outwardly portray. It’s a song that’s sung from the depths of your lowest point, as you admit that others deserve better from you and a promise to try harder. ‘I’ll never be the king with a solid gold crown, I’ll never be that geezer on the other side of town, I know I make you sick, but I want you to be happy…’”


“Concrete brings the EP to a close with more of our traditional SNAYX sound with tongue-in-cheek lyrics, while blending with the newer more electronic/melodic elements we’ve been introducing throughout the EP. It’s a snarky punk tune and is quite playful. It’s a culmination of sounds. The lyrics are meant to be satirical with lines like, ‘Who would wanna live in a free world? Lock me up. Structure tastes so sweet,’ and, ‘I read on Facebook that I’m four times more likely to keel over and die if I start trying to enjoy life, so best play it safe, yeah?’ It all mocks the nine-to-five routine of the office job rat-race and the people that believe everything they read on social media. These people spend all their day at work and then come home and live vicariously through Facebook and Instagram. Just mindless worker drones sated by influencers. Never experiencing anything beyond their personal black mirror.”

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