
Superlove tackle the pressures of modern life on new single NRG

“We wanted to end this year on a bang!” Watch the video for Superlove’s ace new single NRG…

Superlove tackle the pressures of modern life on new single NRG
Emily Carter

Superlove have followed up this year’s follow:noise album with a brand-new single, NRG.

The noise-pop trio reveal they penned their latest track pretty much as soon as the record was finished, because they were “still very much in the writing phase, so just decided to carry on writing”.

“NRG was the first song we put together out of all the writing we did post-album,” they explain. “We wanted to carry on with the same sound we honed in on for album two for sure, as we felt like we all understood the process in writing and recording within that style. You could say it was all really natural for us and almost second nature to fire out songs within that genre and style, as we’d surrounded ourselves with it so much over the last year.”

Speaking about the meaning of NRG, Superlove continue: “We also wanted to end this year on a bang with a new single release, following up on making our debut touring outside of the UK. NRG definitely was on the right track to fit within that narrative. The song itself follows up lyrical themes of our follow:noise album. Such as being in your mid-20s in a modern world filled with pressures of what direction to take your life in, as well as being so overwhelmed that you feel like you have no energy to pursue what you actually want to achieve.

“Writing about these subjects always helps lift the weight off a bit for me, almost removing them from my brain and storing them in the song to help clear my head. I say that without the fear of sounding too cheesy there!”

Watch the video below.

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