
Svalbard Will Still Be Releasing Their New Album, But On A New Record Label

Svalbard will still release their new album as planned, with a portion of each sale going to Rape Crisis

Svalbard Will Still Be Releasing Their New Album, But On A New Record Label

Following their departure from Holy Roar Records last week, we weren't sure if Svalbard's upcoming album When I Die, Will I Get Better? would see the light of day. But thankfully the Bristol metallers have found a home for their third full-length in the form of Church Road Records.

The new, independent label is run by Justine Jones from Employed To Serve who also previously worked at Holy Roar.

"We are fortunate to have worked with Justine for many years, her passion, dedication and label knowledge has been instrumental in our growth as a band. She's a person in the music industry who genuinely cares," say the band in a statement.

"Justine is doing everything she can to keep the release on track, however please be patient if minor delays occur along the way or if things continue to appear online under the Holy Roar label during the transition period – we will keep everyone informed via our socials of all developments."

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A number of bands (including Rolo Tomassi and Palm Reader) chose to leave Holy Roar Records following allegations of sexual abuse concerning label founder Alex Fitzpatrick.

"We will be donating a portion of each record sale to Rape Crisis," say Svalbard. "We have chosen to support this charity as their centres, helplines and campaign for change against sexual assault are so desperately needed in these times.

"We would like to say a huge thank you to our fans for being understanding, supportive and patient – and to Justine and Sammy at Church Road Records for all their hard work ensuring our album still gets released."

Svalbard's new album When I Die, Will I Get Better? will be released on September 25.

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