
SWMRS Share Update On Max Becker Following Van Accident

SWMRS vocalist/guitarist Max Becker will be returning home to Oakland after staying in a centre to aid his recovery.

SWMRS Share Update On Max Becker Following Van Accident

Some promising news from the SWMRS camp: vocalist/guitarist Max Becker is on his way home from a rehab clinic, following a terrible van accident in October.

Max's bandmates – brother Cole, drummer Joey Armstrong and bassist Seb Mueller – had previously encouraged fans to send postcards and letters to the musician while he was recovering from the incident to keep his spirits up, and judging by a photo posted on the band's account of Max studying his many, many cards, it's worked wonders.

"This picture is quite literally worth over a thousand words," SWMRS say of the aforementioned snap. "Your words, messages and gifts have given more inspiration and healing power to Max than anyone can imagine. It's been so incredible to see how much of an impact our music has made on all of you. Y'all have changed our lives in return. We are so happy to update you that Max is pushing through rehab with more strength every day and staying hydrated. Tomorrow we are so lucky to bring him home and have him continue his healing from his bed in Oakland. We really can't describe how special all of your support has been. This Thanksgiving please hug the people around you and let them know how much you love them."

Check out the heartwarming photo below.

Everyone at Kerrang! would like to send their love to Max, Natalie Somekh and Josh Berl who were also involved in the crash, and the rest of the SWMRS family.

Read this next: SWMRS talk positivity, politics and being the voice of a generation

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