
Texas Couple Charged With Child Endangerment After Abandoning Child To Attend Godflesh Show

We enjoy the works of Broadrick et al as much as the next guys, but this is definitely a step too far.

Texas Couple Charged With Child Endangerment After Abandoning Child To Attend Godflesh Show

The Detroit Metro Times begins their story on this matter thus:

"Things that are metal: fire skeletons, eating bats, drum solos. Things that are not metal: leaving your 11-year-old daughter home in Texas to drive cross country to see elusive industrial metal band Godflesh at Detroit's El Club."

This is arguably a correct assessment of what is metal and what is not metal.

They go on to report that John Guerrero, 48, and Virginia Yearnd, 39, of Spring, Texas were arrested this past Monday night on second-degree child endangerment charges after leaving their 11-year-old daughter alone for around 36 hours so that they could make it to a Godflesh concert in Detroit.

Authorities were made aware of the situation last Thursday after their daughter's great aunt called to tell them that the girl had been alone at home since Wednesday morning.

When police turned up to the home, they found the girl trying to cook using the stove. After several hours trying and failing to reach her parents by phone, police finally got a hold of John and Virginia, who said that they were in Louisiana.

Court documents state that Virginia confessed to having traveled with John to Detroit to see Godflesh, but said that she had asked her sister to check on her daughter while they were away, but the child said no-one had told her that. If convicted, the couple could be staring down the barrel of 20 years in prison.

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