
The Dirty Nil return with huge new single, Bye Bye Big Bear

The Dirty Nil say a loving farewell to local Canadian convenience store Big Bear – which they say “was our clubhouse, our pirate ship, our prison”.

The Dirty Nil return with huge new single, Bye Bye Big Bear
Emily Carter
Steph Montani

Toronto trio and Kerrang! faves The Dirty Nil have returned with an epic new single, Bye Bye Big Bear.

Following last year’s ace Fuck Art album, the band have today shared their latest song which pays tribute to a local convenience store and its parking lot, near to their apartment back in the day. Clearly, it still lives fondly in their memories.

“We were there through our 20s and having the best time,” remembers guitarist Luke Bentham. “It was so conducive to creativity and collaboration. When we turned 30, though, it felt like time to spring from the nest, so we all put our separate plans into motion, and then I immediately started to miss everybody.”

The band as a whole share: “For five years we lived together at a house in downtown Hamilton. For five years we were sustained by the Big Bear convenience store, located directly across the street. There we were nurtured with sparkling water, protein bars and cigarettes. There we witnessed an untold number of human dramas play out in the parking lot, ranging from the hilarious to the hopelessly sad. For five years it was our clubhouse, our pirate ship, our prison. So we say farewell, thank you for everything: Bye Bye Big Bear.”

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