
The Internet Reacts To Tool's New Album, Fear Inoculum

We've gathered some of the best Twitter responses to Tool's new album Fear Inoculum

The Internet Reacts To Tool's New Album, Fear Inoculum

The day is finally here, folks! Tool have actually released the follow-up to 10,000 Days in the form of Fear Inoculum and it is glorious. You can read our full review here to get our thoughts, but we wanted to know what you think, lovely people of the internet. In these hyperconnected times, everyone is quick to post their takes and opinions across social media, so we've scoured Twitter for the best and worst reactions to Tool's new album.

Unsurprisingly, the majority of tweets are either full of joy or excitement that Fear Inoculum is finally in our lives, but some fans out there aren't so happy with the end result. Take a look for yourself.

Not heard it yet? Decide for yourself if it was worth the wait by listening below.

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