
U.S. Navy Confirms ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomena’ In Tom DeLonge’s Company’s Videos Are Real

After Tom DeLonge's To The Stars… company unveiled footage of what they believed to be 'Unidentified Aerial Phenomena', the U.S. Navy has indeed confirmed that these UAPs are real.

U.S. Navy Confirms ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomena’ In Tom DeLonge’s Company’s Videos Are Real

While Tom DeLonge has already got plenty on his plate this year with Angels & Airwaves, the UFO obsessive has just had some incredibly cool news through in regards to his multifaceted To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science company: three videos that To The Stars put out featuring ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomena’ have been confirmed as such by the U.S. Navy.

As reported in "multiple statements" received by The Black Vault, the three videos – FLIR1, Gimbal and GoFast – that were made public by Tom and To The Stars have now been confirmed to include Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (or UAPs) by Joseph Gradisher, official spokesperson for the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare.

“The Navy considers the phenomena contained/depicted in those three videos as unidentified,” he said.

When asked what the videos represented, though, Joseph responded: “The Navy has not publicly released characterizations or descriptions, nor released any hypothesis or conclusions, in regard to the objects contained in the referenced videos.”

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John Greenewald, Jr. of The Black Vault also adds that the Navy was asked for more specifics "such as details about the location the videos were shot in", but the response was simply: “We will not be providing any details on individual reports.”

Read more on FLIR1, Gimbal and GoFast here, and check out the footage below:

While he's not catching more UFOs, catch Tom live with Angels & Airwaves at the following dates this year:


17 New York, NY – PlayStation Theater
18 Cleveland, OH – House of Blues
20 Detroit, MI – Saint Andrews Hall
21 Chicago, IL – House of Blues
22 St. Louis, MO – The Pageant
24 Denver, CO – Summit
25 Salt Lake City, UT – The Union
27 Seattle, WA – Showbox SoDo
28 Portland, OR – Roseland Theater
30 San Francisco, CA – The Regency Ballroom


1 Los Angeles, CA – The Belasco Theater
2 Anaheim, CA – House of Blues
4 Las Vegas, NV – House of Blues
5 San Diego, CA – House of Blues

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