Most of the time, mash-ups of metal and pop songs are good for a quick laugh and nothing more. But every so often, you get one where the songs work well enough together that it's somewhat of a decent listen. For example, one YouTuber's mash-up of Deftones' Change (In The House Of Flies) and Britney Spears' Toxic has emerged, and we hate to say it, but… it's not terrible.
Oddly enough, what makes the two tracks work so well together is their slower, slinkier elements. Obviously, Change is a huge, crushing hard rock track, but its verse parts are languid and strung out. Toxic, meanwhile, has string accents and falsetto vocal moments that sound typical in a pop song, but are kind of haunting when backed by Deftones. The result feels like two different angles of a drug stupor, and will no doubt confuse some metal fans with how cool it is.
Listen to the unexpectedly satisfying track below: