
Tonight: Watch Venom Prison Unleash Hell In A Tiny London Dive Bar

Venom Prison bring ten tons of death metal to the The K! Pit in association with Rizla

Tonight: Watch Venom Prison Unleash Hell In A Tiny London Dive Bar

After eight months away from the stage, Venom Prison chose The K! Pit in association with Rizla as the place to unleash new material live for the very first time. With new the new 5K-rated sonic behemoth Samsara in their arsenal, Kerrang!'s favourite London dive bar didn't know what hit it. And it hit hard.

Cramming 50 of Venom Prison's biggest fans into Blondies in east London was always going to be chaos, and once they got warmed up, the tiny dive bar became a mash of battering bodies and crowdsurfers.

Want to see for yourself? We’ll be streaming the show on our Facebook page tonight (April 18) at 7:30pm GMT, 2:30pm EST, and 11:30am PST. Can’t watch it then? Stay tuned for a link to the YouTube video once it’s over.

To get you in the mood, here are some action shots from our brave camera team getting in the pit.

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