
Tool and FEVER 333 members team up for new track

Listen to Justin Chancellor and Aric Improta’s far-out collaboration EXU now…

Tool and FEVER 333 members team up for new track
Kerrang! staff

Have you ever been in an infinity room? It’s really weird. Anyway, inspired by the movies Beyond the Black Rainbow and Mandy, FEVER 333 drummer Aric Improta built himself one over lockdown. Then he invited Tool bassist Justin Chancellor (himself reckoning classic Bruce Lee flick Enter The Dragon would be a good musical inspiration) around to make music in it, predicting that the head-spinning oddness of a space covered in craftily-angled mirrors would crack open the creative juices.

He was right. The pair have just released the fruits of their playdate, EXU. It’s glitch and absolutely bereft of normal structure, but it’s exactly what you imagine such a thing would sound like.

Says Aric of his collaborator, “Justin is honestly one of the most open-minded artists I’ve worked with, and all of his ideas were distinctly unique. I’d say those are the two qualities I hold in the highest regard when working with musicians, so it made the process that much more rewarding.

“I love where it ended up and want to continue these audio/visual demonstrations in the future,” he continued. “This evolved throughout the process and ultimately transformed into something I never would have expected. I love the challenge of creating through new processes and really appreciate working with people open to doing the same.”

Check it out…

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