
Touring With UK Hardcore Heroes Higher Power Looks Like The Most Fun Ever!

Can you think of anything better than driving around with your best buds, playing shows and having adventures?

Alex getting a haircut before the show at Chain Reaction in Anaheim.
Max giving Jordan some loving.
Louis playing Gilman Street, Berkeley. It was cool to be able to see the guys play such a historical venue.
I think this picture says it all.
Max & Ethan in Revelation Records HQ. It was very cool to have the opportunity to go and look around the place, as you can tell everyone was very happy about it.
Louis and his seaweed at the Dog Beach in Huntington. The only beaches that matter are the dog beaches.
Jazz the dog with the fire hat, who we met at Huntington Dog Beach. He out-styled everyone.
Jimmy & Max having a snuggle session in the van on the way to the next show.
Max outside the show in Berkeley, having a break from loading into the venue.
Outside Revelation Records HQ. Shout out to Vique who showed us all around, who turns out is from our ends of Leeds originally!
Ethan live at The Catalyst, Santa Cruz.
Jimmy trying not to laugh whilst doing vocal warm ups before the show in Santa Cruz, whilst Max was being Max. Someone had the giggles.
Higher Power at the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.
Jimmy rocks all the time even whilst sleeping. This is genuinely how he fell asleep.
Max in his new bandana, fashion icon some might say?
Max and Ethan getting hyped for IHOP, after sleeping through the free breakfast the motel that night provided.
Alex live at Chain Reaction.
A rare bit of wifi appears.
Cam (HP Driver & TM) caught having a little snooze in the van outside the first show of tour in LA.

A few weeks ago we ran a series of photographer Nat Wood's photos of the UK hardcore scene, if you didn't catch it you should take a look - they're as dynamic, exciting and fun as the scene they capture! While we were getting the images off her she mentioned she was off to the US to shoot UK hardcore heroes Higher Power as they toured with US bands No Warning, Backtrack, Twitching Tongues and Vein on the Life and Death Tour 2017. 

Knowing a little about Higher Power's interest in fun times, being hilarious and straight up just kicking out the stone cold, undeniable jams, we guessed any trip with them would probably be a fun trip, and asked Nat if she'd be up for us running a few photos from her trip. She sent over the above gallery, which reminds us all that there's probably no better way to spend your life than driving around with your best buds, playing shows and causing mischief.

If you think Nat's photos are cool, go follow her on Instagram.

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