
Turns Out Rob Zombie's 3 From Hell Isn't Quite Finished After All

But the director himself assures everyone that it's "f***ing awesome."

Turns Out Rob Zombie's 3 From Hell Isn't Quite Finished After All

Earlier this week, we were excited to see Rob Zombie's Instagram post that seemed to imply that 3 From Hell, his new film and the completion of his Firefly trilogy, was finally wrapped.

But now, Rob has clarified via Instagram that while the trilogy is complete, the movie itself still has a little ways to go:

"So folks seem confused by my post saying I completed my Rejects trilogy," wrote Rob. "I said the trilogy is complete but the movie 3 From Hell is not finished yet. Still got a couple months of work left. It's getting there and it is fucking awesome."

We hope Rob understands that this news does nothing but throw flames on our excitement for the movie (and our appreciation for his work). Then again, the dude is a master showman, so he probably understands completely.

Keep your eyes peeled for a trailer for 3 From Hell soon.

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