
Video Premiere: Greyhaven’s Sweet Machine Goes Behind The Wall Of Sleep

The latest video from the Kentucky post-hardcore crew takes you on a sci-fi dream quest.

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Greyhaven walk a fine line. On the one hand, the brand of metal-infused-post-hardcore that the Louisville, KY, outfit play is epic, emotional, and ambitiously progressive, incorporating influences from all over the sonic spectrum. On the other hand, as evidenced during our recent bourbon-soaked interview with them, the band are a bunch of laid-back dudes who don’t get precious or pretentious about what they do. But it’s that combination that makes them so powerful -- and made them so much fun to host when they played alongside Hopesfall during our US showcase at Brooklyn’s Saint Vitus Bar earlier this year.

That duality is also present in the new video for their track Sweet Machine, from their recent album, Empty Black. The storyline of the video sees frontman Brent Mills hooked up to a menacing phalanx of wires and wandering towards a portal in the country fields within his mind. That said, it also showcases the band blasting sweatily through a performance of the song with all the energy and enthusiasm of a performer on a festival stage. The two sides merge effortlessly in the video, just like they do in Greyhaven’s music.

In regards to the themes behind the track and video, Brent says, “The song is about recognizing you’re pulled into the system in some fashion whether you like it or not. Somewhere down the line you’re a link in the chain. So we just had fun with this concept in the video, trying to create dreamlike representations of these ideas and here it is, the sweet machine.”

Check it out the exclusive premiere of the video below:

And if you dug that, check out their performance from our showcase at Saint Vitus:

Finally, make sure to lose your shit in person when the band hits the road with Stray From The Path, Silent Planet, and Kublai Khan at one of the dates below:


Greyhaven’s Empty Black is out now; you can order it here.

WORDS: Chris Krovatin

PHOTO: Mickie Winter