
Vile Creature Are Hosting An Interactive Gig Where You Choose Your Own Ending

Vile Creature are hosting a very special livestream tonight – and what happens is up to you!

Vile Creature Are Hosting An Interactive Gig Where You Choose Your Own Ending

Canadian doom-mongers Vile Creature are hosting a very special event tonight via their website.

While some bands are broadcasting livestreams in their living room or practice spaces, Vile Creature have come up with something altogether more immersive and interactive. Instead of just pressing play and sitting back, to watch KW and Vic hammer the living shit out of their instruments, you must go on something of a quest beforehand in the vein of those page-turny adventure novels you had as a kid.

The choices you make early on will impact what happens during and after the show, so choose wisely. Kerrang! was lucky enough to be given a test run earlier this week, and things didn't necessarily end so well for us.

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When you do make it to the show however, you can choose from different places to watch the performance – from the sound desk, behind the tall guy etc – or you can visit the merch booth, go into the smoking area... a lot of effort has gone into this. And it's a full show too, so grab a drink and settle in for one of the most innovative and ambitious doom bands around.

The event is titled Glory, Glory! Live! (in reference to their latest album Glory, Glory! Apathy Took Helm!) and doors open at 12am UK/7pm EST/4pm PST. The show starts at 1am UK/8pm EST/5pm PST and there is a $7 suggested donation, but you won't be turned away if you're lacking funds. Which is very much not like a real gig.

Head over to Glory, Glory! Live! at the times above and try to survive.

READ THIS: Vile Creature: "The most metal thing that you can do is care about other people"

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