
Voivod Won The Juno Award For 'Metal/Hard Music Album Of The Year'

Congrats to Canadian progressive thrashers Voivod, who were honored with the 2019 Juno Award for 'Metal/Hard Music Album Of The Year.'

Voivod Won The Juno Award For 'Metal/Hard Music Album Of The Year'

For many metal fans, progressive thrashers Voivod might be the most recognizable Canadian band of all time (after all, they did write what we consider the definitive Canadian metal album everyone should own). Now, Canada's Juno Awards have acknowledged Voivod, honoring them with 2019's 'Metal/Hard Music Album Of The Year' for their most recent record, The Wake.

The award saw Voivod beating out a line-up of extremely talented competitors, including Cancer Bats, KEN mode, Beyond Creation, and Kobra And The Lotus.

In a post on their Facebook, the band said, "We are incredibly honored to receive the award for best 'Metal/Hard Music Album Of The Year' at the Junos! The Wake marked our 35th year and we couldn't be happier. Thank you for your continuous support. It's what fuels us to keep on going. Rock on, friends!"

For those wanting to celebrate along with the band, here's footage of Voivod accepting their Juno award: