
Watch A 14-Year-Old Fan Shred Onstage With Counterparts

Check out the coolest 14-year-old Counterparts fan in the world.

Watch A 14-Year-Old Fan Shred Onstage With Counterparts

It’s not every day that a 14-year-old guitar student gets to shred onstage with hardcore punks Counterparts. But it happened last night, according to a tweet that has since gone viral. A video surfaced close to midnight of a young fan named Charlotte absolutely killing it filling in for lead guitarist Blake Hardman. The video has since gained lots of traction, receiving loads of praise because, well, she rocks. Check out the crazy moment below:

Honestly, we can’t imagine being 14, a certified shredder, and getting asked to play a breakdown with my favorite band. We were not that cool enough at 14. Like, at all.

The last time young music lovers impressed us this much, it comprised of a Swiss children’s choir engaging in a heartwarming rendition of Judas Priest’s Leather Rebel and Dio’s Holy Diver. Sans electric guitars and full-throated howls, the kids used their gentle high-pitched voices to sing.

You can watch it below:

There was also that time a 10-year-old played guitar for the Foo Fighters. October of 2018, the band was on their massive Concrete And Gold U.S. tour. The final dates were approaching, so Dave Grohl invited a fan onstage at their Kansas City gig. Not only did the kid get to jam out in a Metallica session to thousands of people, but he got to keep Dave’s guitar. Think about that: that kid gets to grow up next to Dave Grohl’s guitar.

You can watch the crazy footage below:

And then there was the 12-year-old drumming for Gojira. In October of 2017, the band was headlining Cleveland’s House Of Blues, and a 12-year-old had won a competition to perform with them for a quick jam session. He replaced drummer Mario Duplantier behind the kit and showed off his skills, making everyone over the age of 12 feel inferior. I’ve never seen a 12-year-old with so much power. You can watch him rock out below: