
Watch Entheos Unleash A Tech-Death Cataclysm On Brooklyn

Check out a stream of Entheos' insane live set from Brooklyn's Saint Vitus Bar.

Watch Entheos Unleash A Tech-Death Cataclysm On Brooklyn

When technical death metal oddities Entheos played to the sold-out crowd at Brooklyn's Saint Vitus Bar during the final show on their U.S. tour with Rivers Of Nihil, Conjurer, and Wolf King, no one was entirely aware of what they were in for. True, the music on the Santa Cruz quartet's 2017 album Dark Future is elaborate, off-kilter, and akin to a cyborg having a seizure midway through punching down a skyscraper. But those sorts of effects can be easily created using a healthy dose of studio magic. Could Entheos really sound that brutal and unhinged live?

But before the first song was over, the audience knew exactly how real Entheos were. As they played Dark Future in its entirety while bathed in ominous purple and green light, the band created a spinning cloud of carefully-controlled chaos that ripped through the audience, leaving them dumbfounded but wholly satisfied. Frontwoman Chaney Crabb's face switched from a snarling gurn to a beaming grin as she undulated between crunching snarls to heartfelt gratitude, all while bassist Tim Walker and guitarist Travis LaVrier churned along with intensity painted across their sweat-beaded faces.

Overall, the set felt like something out of The Cell, a jarring reintroduction to something one thought they already knew. The barrage left those in attendance stunned at times, rabidly moshing at others, all while the band continued their nonstop campaign of melting every eardrum in the room.

But seeing is much more enjoyable -- and mind-blowing -- than believing! Watch our stream of Entheos's furious, unfuckingbelievable set below:

How is music like this born into the world? According to Chaney, it all starts with a guitar part: “Our songwriting process generally begins with a chord progression or a riff. From there, parts of a song will begin to take structure until a few minutes of material have come together to form a full demo of a song. Once we have that, the entire band will begin to work on our own individual parts.”

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