
Watch Jared Leto Hitchhike Through The Tonight Show

To celebrate new album America, the 30STM man is making his way through the country.

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On a quest to hitchhike through the States in celebration of Thirty Seconds To Mars' new album America, Jared Leto appeared on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.

Jared interrupted the programme to explain to Jimmy: "I've got a new album coming out, it's called America, and it comes out this Friday. So to celebrate, I'm actually going to hitchhike across the country… I figured, what better way to celebrate America than to travel around the country and ask people about their lives. Let me tell you something: I'm actually doing this. People are going to watch this and think this a gag. I'm actually doing this."

Check it out below.

This isn't the first U.S.-related project that Jared has undertaken to coincide with the band's upcoming record; watch the brilliant Walk On Water video below, based on 'A Day In The Life Of America'.

America is out in just two days – you can pre-order the album right now at this link.

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