The K! Pit

Watch Sharptooth rip the head off of a tiny Brooklyn dive bar

Hardcore firebrands Sharptooth turn a Brooklyn dive bar into a feeding frenzy in the latest installment of the K! Pit…

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Kerrang! staff

This week, we had Baltimore hardcore up-and-comers Sharptooth roll through our favourite Brooklyn dive bar The Gutter and give us 30 rabid minutes of their own high-energy, politically conscious hardcore.

The result was more like stepping into a river full of piranha than a traditional concert. Without hesitation, the band launched into a total melee of a performance, with Lauren Kashan whipping the audience into a frenzy with her shrieked and bellowed vocals. Meanwhile, bassist Phil Rasinski and guitarists Keith Higgins and Lance Donati bounced around the stage and tangled themselves in their cords like men possessed. But it was when Lauren leapt into the crowd, chatting with bloody audience members and scaling tables to rally the ladies in the audience, that attendees truly felt like the cow being lowered into the raptor cage.

Watch Sharptooth wreak total havoc below:

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