
Watch the video for Bambie Thug’s new single Tsunami

Bambie Thug has shared brand-new single Tsunami, which embodies the artist getting “out of depression and on top of my game”.

Watch the video for Bambie Thug’s new single Tsunami
Emily Carter

Following December track Merry Christmas Baby, Bambie Thug is back with their first new single of the year: Tsunami.

The musician explains that the song in fact “seeded from a bicycle ride I went on with Tylr Rydr in central London; I asked him to send me a beat that sounded like our journey. I started the idea with a mate Charlie Hubbard and finished the lyrics sitting on top of a bin in the rain in north London.

“I was at point where nothing was going right for me and I needed to write a song that embodied where I wanted to be: out of depression and top of my game. Tsunami sat in the vault for over a year before I brought it to Comanavago for additional production, now the beast has upgraded and is finally ready to be birthed into the world.”

Watch the video below:

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