
We Unpack Rammstein's Absolutely Bonkers Video For Deutschland

The new Rammstein video for Deutschland is breaking the internet but… WTF is actually going on?

We Unpack Rammstein's Absolutely Bonkers Video For Deutschland
Nick Ruskell

You’ve probably seen the video for Rammstein’s Deutschland already. As soon as the video premiere finished, YouTube had already counted 350,000 views. Unsurprisingly, it kicks off the countdown to the Teutonic titans’ new album with more of, well, more, than anyone else.

But – adopts Gareth from The Office voice – some questions. In nine minutes, Rammstein have announced their comeback, but what the hell are they actually up to in the clip?

1. What’s that big red glow?

A nod to the tower of Barad Dur from The Lord Of The Rings? Probably not. Bit obvious. But an armour-clad Rammstein are headed towards it 2003 years ago in 16AD. So, before Jesus died. Is that relevant? Again, probably not, but who can say right now? Also, how come space-Rammstein have trapped it in a box, and where are they taking it? Are they exporting the very essence of Germany to other worlds?

2. Who’s the queen?

A recurring queen character appears early on and is present through all the scenes, watching over the Rammstein men as they recreate scenes from German history. In each, she is dominant, amazonian, and much, much cooler than anyone else in the room. Some sort of representation of Mother Germany? Could be.

3. There’s a war-movie's worth of violence…

There’s loads of fighting. It’s fucking brilliant. There’s a heroically moustachioed Till Lindemann having a bloody, knuckleduster-topped boxing match against Richard Kruspe, knights going at one another with swords, riot police and normies smashing each other. And then there’s the present fighting the past. A commentary on a loss of heritage? Or how the present is held back by weight and pressure of our pasts? WHO KNOWS?

4. Till Lindemann appears to have been decapitated…

Yeah, he’s lost his head and it’s being carried around by the queen woman. Again, we don’t know why. Answers on a postcard please.

5. Let’s talk about the WWII prison bit

This bit from the teaser trailer that immediately drew criticism former president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany Charlotte Knobloch for having “crossed a line”, calling it “a trivialisation of The Holocaust” and “irresponsible”. The use of an SS uniform complete with Totenkopf insignia, and Till looking directly into the camera to deliver the line ‘Deutschland, Deutschland über allen’ (a play on the Third Reich anthem Deutschland Über Alles) in his prison clothes will probably get a similar response. The Nazis do lose in definite fashion in the video, but it’s no less loaded for it.

6. Cannibalism

They’re really going at it, dressed as monks, gorging themselves on the meat piled atop the queen. Oh, and there’s a tank full of gimps underneath her. We’re not sure, but we think there might be another metaphor in here somewhere…

Rammstein's new self-titled album is released May 17 via UME/Spinefarm.