
Winston McCall’s dad listens to Parkway Drive while ironing and it’s so wholesome

In this frankly adorable outtake from Parkway Drive’s recent Australian Story documentary, frontman Winston McCall’s parents share their love for the band…

Winston McCall’s dad listens to Parkway Drive while ironing and it’s so wholesome
Emily Carter

Parkway Drive are one of the biggest and best modern metal bands on the planet, with thousands upon thousands of fans across the planet. And, adorably, their own parents are included among their listeners – having not only helped out their kids when they were first starting out, but also still enjoying their music to this day.

In an incredibly wholesome new video outtake from the Aussie titans’ recent ABC Australian Story documentary, frontman Winston McCall reveals the important role his mum and dad played in their journey. “My parents have been a massive part of Parkway,” he says. “They came to our gigs. They loaned us money to get our first airfares to be able to get out of the country.”

“I love the music,” shares Winston’s father Charles. “Evokes all that adrenaline that I’m unable to get now I’m older. I put headphones on, go for a walk. Mate, I’m up that hill!”

“They’re the first ones that want to hear anything new that we’ve made and offer their opinion,” adds Winston, before the video cuts to his dad getting on with some all-important household chores while listening to Horizons mega-single Carrion, “and we’re the soundtrack to dad doing the ironing.”

Amazing. Check it out below:

And watch the full Australian Story documentary:

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