
WTF Is Going On With Creeper Right Now?

Something very strange is happening to the ex-members of Creeper

WTF Is Going On With Creeper Right Now?

Something pretty weird is happening to the former members of Creeper.

Having split up onstage in London last year, we've hardly heard a peep out of the ex-goth punks, but last night guitarist Oliver Burdett posted a series of stories to his Instagram that were a little... paranormal?

While chilling in his house, watching an excellent episode of The Simpsons, Ollie appears to be disturbed by some drones flying outside his window. Or, at least, they look like drones... but don't move like drones.

The next thing you know, his TV is full of static and the audio starts warping, before going completely white. And that's when things really get strange. There's a sudden flash of light and WHATEVER THE HELL THIS IS turns up in Ollie's living room. Who is that? How are they glowing?

Ollie hasn't posted on social media since this being appeared.

And this isn't an isolated incident in the Creeper camp. Over the weekend, all posts were removed from former vocalist Will Gould's Instagram feed, except for a Story of static and an ominous sounding voice.

Luckily for us, some of the band's biggest fans are on the case and have transcribed the audio.

"In seven days, the world as you know it will end," is a pretty terrifying prospect. Is something going to happen this weekend? Or is it just about the next episode of Peaky Blinders?

One Creeper fan identified the words on Will's (now deleted) Instagram Story as a bible verse from Corinthians.

"In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. How the trumpets will sound and the Dead will be raised imperishable and we will be changed. How this perishable must put on the imperishable and this mortal must put on immortality."

So far, so cryptic. We have no idea what's going on, but we're going to find out!

The truth is out there... right?

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