
WWE's New Metal-Themed Wrestling Shirts Are Awesome

Wrestling and metal have always gone together well, but WWE's new metal-themed wrestler shirts take the partnership to the next level.

WWE's New Metal-Themed Wrestling Shirts Are Awesome

Who knew that wrestling and heavy metal went together so well? Obviously everyone, but WWE have now decided to capitalize on this long-standing partnership by releasing a rad new line of metal-themed wrestler shirts that will have fans' wallets down for the count.

Some of the most awesome and entertaining of the crop are Braun Strowman's tribute to Black Sabbath:

Jeff Hardy's out-there Tool-themed shirt:

Ronda Rousey's high-voltage AC/DC tribute:

Finn Balor's dark homage to Slayer:

And Seth Rollins, arguably one of the most metal wrestlers of all time, whose shirt seems based on the logo and designs of both Pantera and maybe Henry himself:

Other shirts in the line include an Evanescence tribute by Alexa Bliss and a Johnny Cash tribute by Elias.

All of these shirts are available at the WWE shop for not that much money, so if you're a metalhead who's also a huge fan of sweaty people in spandex slamming each other to the floor for the raw entertainment of it, you might want to go grab one.

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