Despite a quiet word with NY's finest, Michael is led away by police. Before the shoot, the band were told to not stop playing, no matter what happened.
Zack sings in front of puppets featuring the faces of Al Gore, George W. Bush and John McCain. What is he possibly suggesting?
There he goes, climbing up the statue of George Washington located on the steps of Federal Hall National Memorial. An inscription reads: 'On this site in Federal Hall April 30 1789, George Washington took oath as the first President of the United States of America.'
Tom Morello cranks out some riffs in front of stock footage of police spraying protestors at the 1999 Seattle WTO protests.
Tom solos in front of a backdrop of the New York Stock Exchange, using his toggle switch and hail of feedback. Look out, Dow Jones or whatever your name is.
A homeless man rejects the game show jackpot and a riot breaks out in the television studio. You don't get that on The Chase.