
Album Review: Born Of Osiris – The Simulation

Illinois metalcore crew Born Of Osiris take on the digital age with mixed result in The Simulation

Album Review: Born Of Osiris – The Simulation

Born Of Osiris have an awful lot going on during The Simulation. There are synths everywhere, staccato tech-metal riffs galore, and cunning production techniques to make it all sound really futuristic. However, whatever the Illinois quintet are aiming for, too often it’s tripped up by moments that sound like standard-issue Disturbed stomps. So, while Disconnectome is a blast of space-aged deathcore, The Accursed presents itself in a leather trenchcoat ready to hit the club dancefloor.

It’s distracting, not to mention frustrating, because in full flow, this brutalised story of a Matrix-ish world of humans connected to a digital realm is actually pretty good, if repetitive. Sadly, between that and the occasionally overbearing keyboard cheese, these ideas become about as threatening and impressive as a rice cake, leaving The Simulation as less of something to fear, more something to shrug at as you don’t struggle in the least to disconnect from it.

Verdict: KK
Words: Nick Ruskell