
Born Of Osiris' Guitarist's House Robbed While He Was On Tour

Born Of Osiris guitarist Lee McKinney had a bunch of his gear stolen while the band was on tour, and now he needs your help recovering his stolen instruments.

Born Of Osiris' Guitarist's House Robbed While He Was On Tour

It appears that Lee McKinney, guitarist for experimental death metal crew Born Of Osiris, had his home burglarized last night while he was on tour. The thief left with several of Lee's personal items, including a TV, four guns, and an amp. Most tragic, though, was that the intruder took five of Lee's guitars.

Now, he's asking for your help in recovering them. Lee and his wife Jo released the following statement:

"Last night on Monday, March 11th, our home was burglarized. The intruder(s) entered through a second floor window and carried a knife that was left on the scene, which makes us feel as if they were willing to potentially do more than walk out with material items had someone been home. Stolen items include a TV, 5 guitars, 1 audio interface, 4 guns, 1 camera, and 1 amplifier.

"We have notified the local police and a full investigation is underway. We’re hoping that by bringing this to public attention that anyone who sees one of these items on sale in any way could help us track down the person who did this. Material items are one thing, but justice against the person who came into our home with a weapon is of the utmost importance. Fortunately our family is safe. Thank you for your time and concern, and we greatly appreciate any and all information you might have."

Below are pictures of Lee's missing guitars, along with their serial numbers:

Walnut LPM7 - Serial #: 69540

Honey V6X - Serial #: 132686

Monster O7X - Serial #: 139438

Sea Foam VB5 - Serial #: 139204

Contact Lee via his Instagram if you have any information on the stolen items.

If you feel like helping Lee out during this tough time and supporting Born Of Osiris, catch the band live at one of the following dates:

03/12 Pittsburgh, PA – Rex Theatre
03/13 Cleveland, OH – Beachland
03/14 Detroit, MI – St. Andrews Hall
03/15 Cincinnati, OH – Thompson House
03/16 St Louis, MO – Ready Room
03/17 Chicago, IL – House of Blues