In the latest instalment of their fascinating Breakdown series, Avenged Sevenfold's M. Shadows and Zacky Vengeance have gone into great detail about the writing and recording of their epic 2010 single Nightmare.
At the time of release, the song was the first new music to come from the band since the death of drummer The Rev, who passed away in December 2009.
"It has a very Ozzy feel," comments Shadows as he listens back to the track. "There's a lot of energy to this, and it felt like the opening of a record – like, when you're a kid or you're a musician you're trying to think of, 'What do I want to hear when you open up a record?' This just appealed to all of us for some reason.
"It's very Ozzy: dark, scary, gothic."
"It definitely sets the tone for the rest of the album – lyrically, and just everything we had to get through to make this," agrees Zacky.
Watch the whole video below. If you're a big A7X nerd, then it's well worth your time.