Album review: Body Void – Bury Me Beneath This Rotting EarthVermont doomsters Body Void deliver an apocalyptic state of the world address on relentlessly heavy second album...
Movie review: Life Of Agony – The Sound Of ScarsThe harrowing, yet beautiful, story of New York hardcore legends Life Of Agony…
Album review: The Armed – UltrapopHardcore collective The Armed embrace pop in all its forms for the hyper-intensity and all-out aggro of Ultrapop
Album review: Holding Absence – The Greatest Mistake Of My LifeWelsh rockers Holding Absence explore life, love and the responsibility of artists on superb second album.
Album review: Cannibal Corpse – Violence UnimaginedUnkillable death metal final bosses Cannibal Corpse stay vicious on album number 15.
Album review: Greta Van Fleet – The Battle At Garden’s GateMichigan rock heroes Greta Van Fleet soar to epic new heights on sweeping second album, The Battle At Garden’s Gate
Album review: The Offspring – Let The Bad Times RollThe Offspring’s long-awaited 10th album Let The Bad Times Roll finally lands, and hits more than it misses…
Album review: Escape The Fate – Chemical WarfareSin City supremos Escape The Fate lean further into pop, with surprisingly fun results...
Album review: While She Sleeps – Sleeps SocietyUK metalcore heroes While She Sleeps continue to do it their way on album number five…
EP review: Havelocke – ArsonistSheffield emo-punks Havelocke demonstrate a penchant for the dramatic on new EP, Arsonist.
Movie review: Sound Of MetalAcademy Award nominated drama Sound Of Metal is the engrossing tale of an ex-heroin addict drummer losing not just his hearing, but his place on the fringe of heavy music.
EP review: Muttering – Don't Think About ItLondon emo newcomers Muttering offer emotion and ideas aplenty on debut EP, Don't Think About It
Album review: Wode – Burn In Many MirrorsManchester metallers Wode gallop deeper into the abyss on deranged third album, Burn In Many Mirrors.
EP review: August Burns Red – Guardians SessionsLancaster metalcore vets August Burns Red are at the top of their game with their new EP.
Album review: Devil Sold His Soul – LossAfter years in the wilderness, post-hardcore outfit Devil Sold His Soul return re-energised on fourth album Loss...
EP review: Borstal – At Her Majesty's PleasureMembers of Knuckledust and Brujeria break out their new hardcore supergroup Borstal.