
Some Of Your Favourite #ChesterLyrics

There's been a massive response to our Twitter request.

"It reminds me not to give up on searching for my place in life."
"Chester's darker lyrics got me through some hard times. Lately I love his hopeful voice in The Messenger <3"
"We all carry on with Chester in our hearts. Thank you for all you've done. Celebrate life."
"When I lost my mum 9 years ago, Linkin Park gave me strength, to get back up again. "In the end" means the most to me. Thank you guys for everything ❤ The #LPfamily loves you so much!"
"this means so much to me because it shows me that every goes through bad times even when they are happiest person u know"
"I ❤ this 1 cs whenever I find myself in a bad place, I think of it and realize that in the end everything will be alright"
"#Drag Gave me courage to go to a LP show solo where I became part of the LP family. And live my life sober to the fullest!"
"Wounds so deep, they never show"
"So many amazing lyrics, but I chose this line because Linkin Park's music has always felt like home to me."
"Letting go is hard, but always worth your efforts.. always in my ❤️"
"Each song is a road map Chester left behind. In this case, when life has you down, look for love and compassion to guide you."
"I relate a lot to 'Somewhere I Belong' as I never fitted in and find comfort in 'Leave Out All The Rest'"
"We can live without many other emotions, but we cannot live without love! Love is what makes us humans!"
"Sometimes life forces u to face hard situations and u feel that the world is falling apart! Don't give up!"
"I got this over a year ago because it made me think of my mom. Now it's even more meaningful."
"By Myself is a song I related to most, as I always felt confused/alone/failure & would bottle everything up until I broke!"
"we saw brilliance when the world was asleep (tat is still healing ...like my, and many other, hearts"
"I may never feel right, but I can break this habit of keeping everything inside, and we can both understand."
"I've always felt like I'm not good enough. I keep trying to mask my fears with false strength."

Earlier this week we asked you tweet us, using the hashtag #ChesterLyrics, a picture of you holding your favourite Chester Bennington lyrics up on a card, together with an explanation as to why the lyrics are so important to you. 

There's a been a massive response so far, which is a testament to how many lives Chester enriched.

We've put a few responses in the gallery above. Keep 'em coming, folks, and we'll do another gallery early next week week or something.

Pick up a commemorative issue of our magazine this week; 26p from each issue sold in the UK and online through Newsstand.co.uk goes straight to the One More Light fund, established in Chester’s memory by Music For Relief, the charity he co-founded.

The issue contains a 12 pages dedicated to Chester and the concert that happened last weekend, including an exclusive tribute by Mike Shinoda, interviews with many of the guest stars at Friday’s event, and a full write-up featuring exclusive pictures from the show.

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