
Dawn Ray’d release new track, Go As Free Companions

It’s a message of hope from Brit anarcho black metallers Dawn Ray’d…

Dawn Ray’d release new track, Go As Free Companions
Nick Ruskell

British anarcho black metal trio Dawn Ray'd have released the latest video from their forthcoming To Know The Light album. Following the anti-police diatribe of last single The Battle Of Sudden Flame, Go As Free Companions is a call for unity, to not be discouraged to in improving things, and a reminder that the point of resistance and revolution is to enable a good life for all.

Explaining the meaning behind the song, singer/violin guy Simon Barr says, "To Know The Light is an exploration of anarcho-nihilism, and Go As Free Companions is our conclusion. We have chosen not to despair in the face of overwhelming odds, but to live while time allows it. If the future is canceled, if the present is all we have, then each minute must be revolutionary; every moment counts, so live these ideas in every moment.

"It is easy to know what we are against, but we must not forget what we are for. Whilst there is joy, love, empathy, kindness, people in need of your help; we cannot give up. You may sometimes feel like it, but you are not alone and you are not powerless, there are huge numbers of us, let's find each other! Though acrid black clouds race across the horizon we must not forget: today, the sun still shines."

Watch the video below:

Speaking to Kerrang! for their cover feature last month, guitarist Fabian Devlin expressed similar thoughts. “It’s easy to get lost in despair. One of the themes on the record is about accepting that despair, leaning into it, passing through it, but not being paralysed by it. It’s about not letting that become your only reality, and recognising that it’s still worthwhile to kick back and to take some joy from that."

To Know The Light is released on March 24 via Prosthetic. The band tour the UK this month, and appear at Desertfest and ArcTanGent.

Catch them at:


17 Crofters Rights, Bristol
18 Anvil, Bournemouth
23 The White Hotel, Manchester
24 The Lexington, London
26 Victoria Inn, Derby


5 Desertfest, London


16 ArcTanGent Festival

Read this: Dawn Ray’d: “You don’t have to ask for permission to make things better”

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