
Listen to Dawn Ray’d’s new anti-police song, The Battle Of Sudden Flame

Dawn Ray’d have released the next single from their upcoming third album To Know The Light – listen to The Battle Of Sudden Flame now.

Listen to Dawn Ray’d’s new anti-police song, The Battle Of Sudden Flame
Emily Carter
Jake Owens

Dawn Ray’d have shared a brand-new single, The Battle Of Sudden Flame.

Taken from their upcoming third album To Know The Light (due out on March 24 via Prosthetic Records), the band explain of the track: “The lyrics to this song feel very relevant to what we have seen the police do in 2023, but has there ever been a year when that wouldn’t be the case?

“One of the ways working people have been able to tell the stories of their lives is through folk music; documenting labour struggles, the lives of revolutionaries, and all the abuses those in power commit against us. There is no break between the past and the present, this is a true story told in the best way we know how. Folk music isn’t a synonym for ‘acoustic’ or ‘twee’, it is the music of our real lives, we the folk down here struggling.

“It isn’t controversial to hate an institution that brutalises women, torments the poor, murders people of colour with impunity, covers for the abusive rich and crushes dissent.

“We don’t have to justify our opposition to the police, that is the burden of those who choose to support them.”

Listen to The Battle Of Sudden Flame below:

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