
Friends Star Matt LeBlanc Says Sharon Osbourne Offered Him A Threesome

We would've thought she might hold out for Jennifer Aniston, but no.

Friends Star Matt LeBlanc Says Sharon Osbourne Offered Him A Threesome
Photo Of Sharon Osbourne:
Eva Rinaldi

If Sharon Osbourne approached you and offered you a threesome with her and Ozzy, would you go for it? This is what Friends star Matt LeBlanc had to ask himself when the Princess Of Darkness offered him a guest-spot in her bed after he won a Golden Globe.

In a recent interview with Conan O'Brien, the actor said, "I run into Sharon Osbourne, and I say, 'My God, I'm such a big fan of your husband's. He is so awesome.' And this is what she says to me, with a completely straight face — immediately she goes, 'Oh, that's great! Maybe after this, you'll come back to the house and we'll have a threesome!'

"She was obviously...hopefully kidding," said LeBlanc, to which Conan responded, "I will tell you, she was not."

Watch the interview below:

On her own show The Talk, Sharon discussed the incident, saying she was "ish-ish" kidding and adding, "If he'd had gone for it, I would've called my husband and said, 'Listen...'"

This has obviously been a crazy year for the Osbournes, what with Ozzy being hospitalized due to flu complications, which caused the singer to cancel his European tour dates. However, both Jack and Sharon have kept the public consistently updated on Ozzy’s condition, and recently said that he’s back to his normal routine.

“Well, if this gauges where he’s at, he’s complaining a lot and he’s back to his normal routine. So everything’s A-okay,” said Jack, while Sharon added: “That’s always a good sign, when he complains and he’s miserable then you know it’s good.”

“It’s when he’s happy and skipping around, you’re like, ‘There’s something really wrong here. Call the doctor!’” Jack said.

“Ozzy recently developed pneumonia and has spent some time in hospital,” said Sharon at the time. “He is through the worst part."

Hopefully, Ozzy will be in perfect health by the time Sharon next invites a TV star home for a threesome.

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