
Gallery: Code Orange Ripping The Toon A New One

Our gal Nat Wood was there to capture every dripping bead of sweat…

Gallery: Code Orange Ripping The Toon A New One

Last night, Code Orange brought the hurt to Newcastle's The Cluny. K! snapper Nat Wood went along with her camera and got as close to the action as you could possibly hope to, short of actually playing in the band.

It's fair to say she caught the Pittsburgh gang in full flow and we're stoked on how the photographs came out, because Nat is ace – as are Code Orange. But you don't need us to tell you all that, because you can see for yourself below.



















Check out Nat's site for more awesome shots and give her a follow on Instagram.

And while you're at it, maybe stick on Forever for the millionth time, yeah? Excellent.

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